The Fundraising Framework Blog

The Nonprofit Professional’s Source for Encouragement and Inspiration

Demystifying the Major Gifts Process: Part 1 – Working with Major Gift Officers or Consultants burnout founder's syndrome fundraising major gifts Oct 04, 2021

One of the number one questions I am asked is about raising major gifts. So, over the next four weeks, I will be delving into the major gift solicitation process.

  1. Working with major gift officers or consultants
  2. The foundations of why major donors give and how to talk with them
  3. How to identify m...
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Confessions of a Development Director: "I think I am a Fraud" burnout confessions of a development director fundraising two year development phenomenon Sep 06, 2021

Confessions of a Development Director: I think I am a Fraud

Why Development Directors Only Last 18-24 Months and What Can Be Done About It


Dear Kevin, 

I am finding so much comfort in your content and it’s providing me some hope. I am coming up on 18 months at my current nonprofit and feeling ...

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