The Fundraising Framework Blog

The Nonprofit Professional’s Source for Encouragement and Inspiration

Take Time for Self Care advice self-care Jan 31, 2022

Full disclosure: I am giving advice in this article that I myself find difficult to follow and that I consistently fail or struggle to adhere to. It doesn’t make it less important—quite the opposite. I see this as one of the largest struggles and for sure the #1 cause of burnout in the industry.


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The Secret to Using Grant Funding to Cover Operational Overhead fundraising grants Jan 24, 2022

The Secret to Using Grant Funding to Cover Operational Overhead

Could it be? Can grants really cover operation expenses?

Everything discussed in my previous post on grant writing discussed the “ideal” and the “mindset” I want you to use moving forward as you pursue grant funding. However, I am no ...

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Confessions of a Development Director: I Don't Know Where to Begin with Grant Writing advice confessions of a development director fundraising grants Jan 17, 2022

Confessions of a Development Director: I Don't Know Where to Begin with Grant Writing


In this series, entitled "Confessions of a Development Director," I share with you emails between real-life development directors and me about the struggles they don't want their boss to know they have. My emai...

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Kevin's Contrarian Predictions in Fundraising for 2022 fundraising projections and predictions Jan 10, 2022

Kevin's Contrarian Predictions in Fundraising for 2022

Last week I shared some trending themes for 2022. I covered the overall movement of the market into a more donor-centric and personalized space mirroring the for-profit space with a mix of convenience, communication, and visual impact. This wee...

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Here's What's Trending for Nonprofit Fundraising in 2022 projections and predictions trends Jan 03, 2022


Here's What's Trending for Nonprofit Fundraising in 2022 

2021 seemed, for many nonprofits, déjà vu of 2020. If organizations survived two years of pandemic, they are resilient and strong! In order to survive two years of uncertainty and constant change, organizations have learned to be nimble, ...

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The Art of an Empty Mind: Writing it Out of Your Head advice personal development Dec 27, 2021

Writing it Out of Your Head

I’m not sure how many different types of personalities there are in the world, but I know that there are only two types of people when it comes to lists… those that love them and use them, and those that do not. My wife is a list lover. She actually writes things on her ...

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Ask Kevin: How Do I Make a Communication Calendar? communications free download just ask kevin Dec 20, 2021

 Ask Kevin: “How Do I Make A Communication Calendar?”

In this series, I answer questions from my audience. To submit a question, email me at: [email protected]. You will get a prompt response, and in some cases, I will also eventually outline a more in-depth response on my blog. 



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Scoping Out a Gift Before Asking advice appeals capital campaigns fundraising how to major gifts Dec 13, 2021
Scoping Out a Gift Before Asking

Years ago, I worked with a financial and fundraising firm in Chicago. I was tasked with training a group of parish leaders in making an ask asks for a diocesan capital campaign. 

The VP of Advancement for the diocese wanted to run the campaign internally to spare t...

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Make Next Year Your Best Fundraising Year Yet ask-to-touchpoint ratio communications fundraising how to major gifts Dec 06, 2021

Prepare to Make Next Year Your Best Fundraising Year Yet


1. Prep Your Annual Summary of Giving Receipts

I recommend organizations send two tax receipts per gift. The first tax receipt immediately following the donation, within 48 hours (even if someone gives online and receives an automatically...

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Confessions of a Development Director: I Can’t Keep a Development Job Longer Than Two Years advice confessions of a development director fundraising two year development phenomenon Nov 29, 2021

Confessions of a Development Director: I Can’t Keep a Development Job Longer Than Two Years


In this series, entitled “Confessions of a Development Director,” I share with you emails between real-life development directors and me about the struggles they don’t want their boss to know they have. M...

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How to Start a Nonprofit advice how to Nov 22, 2021

So you are thinking of starting a nonprofit? THAT IS EXCITING!

One of the things I am asked for advice on most often is starting a nonprofit. When I started a nonprofit for the first time I made some mistakes. It was expensive, inefficient, and I did not understand what I was doing. After assisting...

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Resources for Nonprofits resources Nov 15, 2021

This week in lieu of a blog post, I added a permanent section to my website where I listed the products and services that I most often refer nonprofits to when they seek my help. 

I tried to keep it as broad as possible so you will see everything from legal and insurance to design and website. 


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